Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why do older/foreign men always hit on me? ?

I'm 22 years old, but for some reason, whenever I go out with my friends, I ALWAYS get hit on by older men or foreign guys (like 40 years old and above)!!! I don't dress risque nor do I cake on make up or anything like that. I'm tall and blonde so maybe that has something to do with it? I have a little extra meat on my bones, I'm not fat but not a size zero either. I don't get it. I once had one guy hit on me and he said he thought I was 27, but he thought all my friends around me were 22. I don't feel like I look 27 and most people I ask that don't think I do either. So the real question is: Are there certain qualities that older (40 and above) men look for in girls? Because if I'm exuding any of them I would like to stop so men my own age will hit on me. |||You probably look sophisticated because you are tall and blonde. Just being blonde is very attractive to most men and then throw in tall and they are hooked. I doubt that you are doing anything wrong. Just make sure you aren't unconsciously flirting with them by smiling and eye contact.|||They have been around for so long that they know how to "play the game". Nothing against you, I'm sure you are beautiful, but the older, foreign men just want a piece. They are perverts.

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