Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why do some single people let themselves go at a certain age?

I noticed with men and women alike, that often after a while usually around the late tweenties or so, many single men and women alike, who have no children(because its excusable if the woman has children considering most of them gain allot of weight after pregnacy, so ther is no ligit excuse for a man) let themselves go and become obese, wouldnt being single without any children to have obligations to be motivation enough for one to keep themselves up and as good looking as they can be?|||some people just give up, or truely just aren't looking for love as an obligation to make themselves happy, and are quite comfortable with their bodies no matter what size. also, their metabolisms might be changing around this age, so if they don't change their habits, then it can affect them more than it did before.|||maybe they have given up on love happening so they eat for comfort instead. maybe it's all those dinner dates that are causing them to gain weight.|||their motabolism is slowing down and post pardom depression could be another factor|||Well let me correct you on something!!

"because its excusable if the woman has children considering most of them gain allot of weight after pregnacy"

have you got alot of growing up to do.... if nothing else when women have children it gives us a boost to get back in shape.... just because you are a mother does not mean you give up!

I personally know alot of single people and they have not let themselves go (parents or not) (men and women) I guess it is only where you live.

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