Friday, January 27, 2012

When you hit a certain age, did your sexual preferences change or increase in intensity?

I'm a 34 yr. old woman who is married, and although I considered myself to be bisexual, I have for the most part dated men exclusively. I have had some short-lived relationships with women, but nothing ever panned out. I am now starting to feel more "bisexual" than before, if this makes any sense. I find myself being more attracted to women and just more sexual in nature. It this a process of becoming older and more comfortable with oneself. I don't have a desire to be a lesbian or leave my husband, I've just noticed this and wondered if it happens to other people!|||It did for me (I am 34) .. when I was younger, I suppose I was more experimental.. boys, girls, both together it didnt matter. The last five years or so I have preferred the company of women, it's more than just sex now I actually care about the person Im with. I am just not interested in men anymore. But out of respect for my husband I say I am Bi ... he tolerates 'my behaviour' if I keep up appearances, nobody gets hurt that way.

I think it's normal to evolve and grow as a person, everyone does it but I suppose at different rates and ways.|||It all depends on the type of person you are. Some hit at a older age and some hit at a younger age. But its usually when you get more mature you sexual prefrences change. And yes its happened to me. It doesnt happen to everyone (because there are those who are strictly straight) but to those that are open about meeting new people.|||I think with age and what our minds and past experiances come out in the future to have an impact in ones desires to fulfill needs and wants.|||I didn't have a strong preference for anyone when I was in my teens, but I kind of know that I am not attracted to girls. Right now at my twenties, I guess my preference is much clearer and stronger to other guys.

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