Friday, January 27, 2012

Does a mans Libedo INCREASE at a certain age?

Long and short of it is my husband and i have been together for 7 years. In the beginning sex wasnt a big thing for him. i even felt pushy with as much as i wanted it. For the past couple of years his libedo has skyrocketed! When we got married I was 124 lbs and now im a whopping 181lbs. i know it cant be me so whats the deal with my husbands increased sexual urges? He was 22 when we first got together and now he is 29.|||It could be you. Some people are attracted to heavier people (like my partner) and some of us like skinny people. There's nothing wrong with that, it's part of why people are different.

But to really answer the question, everyone's libido changes over time. Sometimes up, sometimes down, but rarely is it not in some state of change.

It could be that he simply has gotten to the point in life where his system says, "Yep, it's time to go nuts with are stable, in a good relationship, etc..." or "We're too stable, let's go nuts a bit!"

So really, there's no way of pinning it down, but don't think that it isn't you. It very well may be (and there's nothing wrong with that at all!).

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