Wednesday, February 1, 2012

At a certain age, is it normal to yearn for sex?

I'm a devout Catholic female and still single and 25. I never had these animalistic feelings before, but lately, it seems like I get turned on easily. And I find like my body wants to get close to a man. I can't even sleep at night once in a while unless I take off my clothes and imagine I'm with a man. Is this normal? Or is my sex drive way too out of whack? Is my body telling me I need a man and make babies now or what? Are any other women out there experiencing this? Socially, I don't feel like I want to get married or have kids at this time, but this sexual drive is driving me nuts.|||Your body isn't out of whack. Mine did the same thing- and I felt so weird I looked into it too. The typical age for females to sexually peak is their early 30's, but it really varies. I am not Catholic, and don't have those concerns, so I found myself a wonderful boyfriend, and am now enjoying sex on a very regular basis. If you are not ready to settle down or compromise your religious beliefs, you should at least know that your feelings are normal and human, and that when you are ready to settle down, things will be great for you.|||r u sure u wnt 2 be a catholic wotsit... i respect u 4 it n everything but your missing out on sex .. yes its noormal everyone wants sex

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